GoTo Travel A low-priced inn that is not chosen
Small and medium-sized and micro “no benefits” Direct support and expansion of infection control

The “Go To Travel” business, in which the government subsidizes 50% of the domestic travel price, as it stimulates travel demand that has fallen due to the corona disaster. While luxury hotels and inns are popular, small and medium-sized and small-sized lodging companies say that there is no benefit. The actual situation is-.

“I registered for’Go To’, but the number of customers has not increased at all.” Yoshiji Honda (61), who runs a farmhouse inn with his wife in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture, speaks. The accommodation fee is 6600 yen per person per night. In August, I became a registered contractor, saying, “Let’s have customers stay at a cheaper price.”

No reservations for popular experiences now

“Go To” is a system that allows travelers to use services such as lodging companies registered in the business at a 35% discount on the original price, and also receive a 15% coupon that can be used at the travel destination. The upper limit of assistance is 20,000 yen per night. The management office is a “tourism industry joint proposal body” created by major travel agencies such as the Japan Association of Travel Agents and JTB.

Mr. Honda, who works on paddy fields, poultry farming, and vegetable making. Every year, about 50 people come to experience farming, mainly in spring and autumn. However, this year there are only two people due to the influence of Corona (as of October 6). No guests stayed at a discounted price.

Rice harvesting and apple picking are popular at this time of year, but there are no reservations. Agricultural management is also preparing for a deficit this year due to the decline in prices of agricultural products such as rice. Combined with the decrease in guest house revenue, this is a double blow.

Mr. Honda says. “Customers will probably choose an inn that costs tens of thousands of yen per night if half the price is subsidized. It is not possible to choose a low-priced inn like a guest house. Expansion of direct support such as sustainability benefits I would like the government to consider support that benefits micro businesses, such as tax cuts and consumption tax cuts. “

Take all possible measures

Some lodging companies have abandoned the registration of “Go To”.

“Registration requires infection prevention measures in accordance with nationally recognized guidelines, but it is not easy for us.” A man (58) who runs an inn in Miyako City, Iwate Prefecture, talks about it.

The building is 35 years old. There are about 20 shared taps in the building that can be turned by hand, and the guideline states that there is a high risk of contact infection. I thought about installing an automatic sensor, but it would cost about 2 million yen to repair everything.

Due to the sharp decrease in tourists and business travelers, sales from March to August decreased by 80%, and sales in September also decreased by 50%. Sustainable benefits received in June have bottomed out, and it is not easy to raise costs. Currently, we are taking all possible infection prevention measures, such as introducing a slipper sterilizer.

“If this sales decline continues, we will have to consider closing the business by the end of the year. Who is the” Go To “for? The government subsidizes infection prevention measures so that even unregistered companies can continue their business. I want you to think about sustaining benefits again. “

The National Federation of Commerce and Industry Associations is negotiating with the government, demanding that the benefits of “Go To” extend to all travel-related businesses. “We should give generous support to small and medium-sized enterprises that are striving for sales.”

(From “The Akahata” dated October 7, 2020)


ビザ申請(在留資格) |  永住許可 |  帰化申請 |  株式会社設立 |  一般社団法人設立 |  一般財団法人設立 |  特定非営利活動法人設立(NPO法人) |  宅地建物取引業(宅建業) |  宅地建物取引士(宅建士) |  建設業 |  電気工事業 |  解体工事業 |  一般貨物自動車運送事業(運送業 緑ナンバー 出前タクシー) |  貨物軽自動車運送事業(軽貨物 黒ナンバー) |  産業廃棄物収集運搬業 |  産業廃棄物処分業 |  自動車引取業 |  自動車フロン類回収業 |  自動車解体業 |  自動車破砕業 |  道路使用許可 |  道路占用許可 |  古物営業(古物商) |  自動車運転代行業 |  飲食店営業(テイクアウト) |  喫茶店営業 |  菓子製造業(パン屋 ケーキ屋) |  自動車調理営業(キッチンカー) |  自動車食品販売業(移動販売 移動コンピニ 移動スーパー) |  露店営業 |  深夜酒類提供飲食店 |  風俗営業(キャバレー キャバクラ パブ ネットカフェ) |  一般酒類小売業(テイクアウト) |  通信販売酒類小売業 |  酒類卸売業 |  薬局開設(保険薬局 調剤薬局) |  店舗販売業(ドラッグストア 薬店) |  旅行業 |  旅行業者代理業 |  旅行サービス手配業(ランドオペレーター ツアーオペレーター) |  旅館業(ホテル 温泉旅館 簡易宿泊所 カプセルホテル 民宿) |  住宅宿泊事業(民泊)国家戦略特別区域外国人滞在施設経営事業(特区民泊) |  マンション管理規約 |  請願書 陳情書 |  新型コロナウイルス関連申請支援(持続化給付金 家賃支援給付金 給付金 支援金) |  その他


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Consumption tax 10% 1 year Listen in the shopping district Itabashi, Tokyo
“Corona and Double Punch”

It has been one year since the consumption tax rate was raised to 10% in one day. Heavy taxes are on the lives of the people. We asked shop owners and shoppers at Happy Road Oyama Shopping Street in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo.

On the 30th, the shopping street was crowded with shoppers wearing masks from the morning.

Mr. Yoshikazu Aihara (69) said, “I want the consumption tax to be zero.” After raising the consumption tax to 10%, it is said that food expenses have been cut down. The self-government administration said, “I’m not saying that the consumption tax will be used for living. On the other hand, I will not stop buying fighter planes and building Henoko base. Neither Abe nor Suga can do what the LDP administration does. There is such money. Then I want the people to turn it around. “

About the impact of the consumption tax rate of 10% Yuji Nagasaki (59), the owner of the bookstore, says, “It’s a double punch with Corona and it’s affecting sales.” “Of course I would be happy if the consumption tax goes down, but I would like you to clarify the financial resources and take corona measures that include continuous support instead of a single sustainable benefit.”

“A feeling of oppression on the consumption tax”

Happy Road Oyama Shopping Street in a residential area in Itabashi Ward near Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The reporter worked on a sticker questionnaire asking whether the consumption tax rate should be reduced from 10%, and interviewed the impact of the tax increase.

It’s hard to reduce work

“I think it’s better to lower the consumption tax.” Naka Hoshi (79) says, “I have a pension, but my life is getting harder. Especially, my monthly food expenses are high.”

Noriko Daytime (75), who lives on a pension and part-time job, also said, “The total annual consumption tax is a big pressure on the household budget. You can eliminate it by half. People who are losing their income or losing their jobs in Corona. There are many. I want those people to give generous support, not to the cherry blossom viewing party. “

A woman (35) with a 3-year-old girl put a sticker on her saying, “I have less work in Corona and my life is difficult” and “I want you to lower it.” Even if the husband of the office worker and his part-time job are combined, “Monthly income has been reduced to about 100,000 yen. The consumption tax burden is quite large. It is better to eliminate the consumption tax rather than lower it.”

Collecting tax reduction signatures

A 74-year-old man who lives on a pension also said, “I understand that you are shopping every day, but even 2% is quite different. It responds to pensioners. The politics of the LDP is prioritized by large corporations and the rich. That’s right. ” Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga mentioned a future consumption tax hike, and immediately after that, he mentioned that he would not need it for the next 10 years. “That is his true intention. It will definitely go up again. I want the opposition parties to fight together and do their best. “

The signature product of the long-established Japanese confectionery store “Tatsuya Kagiya”, which has been in business for 300 years, is chilled thin salt Daifuku. The owner, Tokio Kurihara (68), is collecting signatures requesting a 5% reduction in consumption tax. “Our sales haven’t declined due to sales efforts, but where we can’t, customer demand will decrease, so it will definitely decline,” he said. “I said that I would use it for welfare when the tax was raised by 10%, but I am wondering if I am really doing it. The LDP administration does nothing because of the tax increase.”

A woman (86) who put a sticker on “It’s okay as it is” said, “I want you to use it correctly even if there is a consumption tax. I want you to guarantee your life and life, not using it in a mask or something you do not understand. “.

A man (63), a spectacles shop owner who said that the number of customers had decreased, said, “I definitely want the consumption tax to be reduced.” “It’s neglecting the people to take money from where it’s easiest to get. Why do you repeat it when it’s clear that the economy is falling when taxes rise?”

(From “The Akahata” dated October 1, 2020)